P08: Plotting with Matplotlib

Graphs and visualization

Data analysis starts with looking at data, and ends with communicating your results. Both of these are done most effectively with graphs.

There are many skills associated with making graphs and visualizations:

  1. figuring out what to plot to answer a question.

  2. transforming data to expose the variables you want to plot

  3. choosing the right kind of plot for the data / question.

  4. instructing a computer to make the plot you want.

  5. making the plot interpretable, and appealing

Choosing plots

What are you looking for, or trying to show?

  • the distribution of one variable. -> histogram

  • the distribution of two variables: how two variables relate to one another -> scatter

  • how one variable changes as a function of a categorical other variable -> barplot

  • how one variable changes as a function of another numerical variable -> line plot


  • Gapminder: dataset describing life expentency depending on factors like life expectancy, GDP, Region, etc.

  • link

Standard plots:

  • histogram -> (density plot) hist

  • scatter -> (bubble) scatter

  • line chart -> (+ error bars) plot

  • bar chart -> (+ error bars) bar

  • labeling axes. xlabel and ylabel

Our data


import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

font = {'family' : 'Arial',
        'weight' : 'normal',
        'size'   : '16'}

plt.rc('font', **font)  # pass in the font dict as kwargs
plt.rc('lines', linewidth = 2)
gm = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv')
Unnamed: 0 country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 1 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 2 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 3 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 4 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 5 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106
# drop 'Unnamed: 0'
gm = pd.read_csv('gapminder.csv').drop(columns = 'Unnamed: 0')
country continent year lifeExp pop gdpPercap
0 Afghanistan Asia 1952 28.801 8425333 779.445314
1 Afghanistan Asia 1957 30.332 9240934 820.853030
2 Afghanistan Asia 1962 31.997 10267083 853.100710
3 Afghanistan Asia 1967 34.020 11537966 836.197138
4 Afghanistan Asia 1972 36.088 13079460 739.981106

Plot population for each continent for a specific year (2007)

# grab the names of the continents
c_names = gm['continent'].unique()
['Asia' 'Europe' 'Africa' 'Americas' 'Oceania']
continents = []
for c in c_names:
    m = gm[(gm['year'] == 2007) & (gm['continent'] == c)]['pop'].mean()
# plot! x-values (continent names), y-values (mean pop)
plt.bar(c_names, continents)

Horizontal bar plots…

plt.barh(c_names, continents)

Bar chart

How does life expectancy differ by continent?

{numerical variable} ~ {categorical} -> bar plot

category on the x axis, number on the y axis, and we get 1 number per category.

Mean life expectancy, in 2007, by continent

  • Introduce color, edgecolor, fontsize

age = []
for c in c_names:
    m = gm[(gm['year'] == 2007) & (gm['continent'] == c)]['lifeExp'].mean()
[70.72848484848484, 77.64859999999999, 54.80603846153845, 73.60812, 80.7195]
# make a bar plot
plt.bar(c_names, age,
           color = 'gold',
           edgecolor = 'navy')

# label stuff!
plt.ylabel('Mean Life Exp.')
# plt.xlabel('continent', fontsize = 24)
# plt.ylabel('Mean Life Exp.', fontsize = 24)
plt.xticks(rotation = 45)

# plt.rc - go over now...


Learn the rules like a pro, so you can break them like an artist.

Pablo Picasso


Show the distribution of a single variable, which values are more or less common?

plt.xlabel('life Exp.')

Make our hist look a little nicer…change number of bins, color, alpha (transparency), legend, etc.

plt.hist(gm[ gm['continent'] == 'Asia' ]['lifeExp'], 
             color='green', alpha = .35)

# what happens if you put plt.show() here???
# plt.show()

plt.hist(gm[ gm['continent'] == 'Europe' ]['lifeExp'], 
             color='red', alpha = .35)

# or can specify a range of bin edges
# plt.hist(gm['lifeExp'], 
#              bins=range(20, 90, 5), 
#              color='navy')

plt.xlabel('life expectancy (years)')
plt.title('Life expectancy distribution')
plt.legend(['Asia', 'Europe'])


Line plot

  • How has average life expectancy changed from 1952 to 2007?

  • x = number, y = number, use line plot…

  • Mean life expectancy, by year.

## group by year
## calculate mean life expectancy per group

year_summary = (gm
    .groupby('year')                            # group based on common year labels
    .agg(life_expectancy = ('lifeExp', 'mean')) # aggregate lifeExp, compute mean, assign to new column 'life_expectancy'
    .reset_index())  # reset index to default...

# have a look...
year life_expectancy
0 1952 49.057620
1 1957 51.507401
2 1962 53.609249
3 1967 55.678290
4 1972 57.647386
5 1977 59.570157
6 1982 61.533197
7 1987 63.212613
8 1992 64.160338
9 1997 65.014676
10 2002 65.694923
11 2007 67.007423
## make a line plot
            'bo-',            # blue, circle markers, solid line...
            markersize = 5,   # size of circle markers...
            linewidth = 1)

## label stuff!
plt.ylabel('mean life expectancy (years)')


Scatter plot

How does the distribution of life expectancies across African countries vary by year?

distribution of two number -> scatterplot

import numpy as np

# filter out African countries
africa = gm[ gm['continent'] == 'Africa' ]

# plot scatter plot of lifeExp ~ year

# alpha so more dots visible
            alpha = 0.1,

# plt.scatter(africa['year'] + np.random.random(len(africa))*2-1, 
#             africa['lifeExp'],
#             s=1)

plt.ylabel('life expectancy')
plt.title('Life Expectancy for African Countries')


Varying color and size

year_2007 = gm[ gm['year']==2007 ]
plt.scatter(year_2007['gdpPercap'], year_2007['lifeExp'])
# plt.xscale('log')
plt.xlabel('gdp per capita (log scale)')
plt.ylabel('life expectancy')


Same thing, but color code by continent and size by population

year_2007 = gm[ gm['year']==2007 ]

colors = {'Asia': 'red',
          'Europe' : 'gold',
           'Americas' : 'chartreuse',
           'Africa' : 'teal',
            'Oceania' : 'navy'}

                s = year_2007['pop']/1e6,
                c = year_2007['continent'].map(colors),
                alpha = 0.5)

# plt.xscale('log')
plt.xlabel('gdp per capita')
plt.ylabel('life expectancy')

# color code by continent
# sale size by population

Errorbar example

  • Errorbar plots allow you to show the variability associated with measurements, not just their mean value

## group by year
## calculate mean life expectancy per group

year_mean = (gm
    .groupby('year')                            # group based on common year labels
    .agg(life_expectancy = ('lifeExp', 'mean')) # aggregate lifeExp, compute mean, assign to new column 'life_expectancy'
    .reset_index())  # reset index to default...

year_std = (gm
    .groupby('year')                            # group based on common year labels
    .agg(life_expectancy = ('lifeExp', 'std')) # aggregate lifeExp, compute mean, assign to new column 'life_expectancy'
    .reset_index())  # reset index to default...
# make the error bar plot showing mean +- standard deviation
             yerr=year_std['life_expectancy'], c='black')

plt.ylabel('Life Expectency')



Distribution of Number -> histogram, with number on x, counts on y

Distribution of Category -> histogram, with category on x, counts on y

Number as a function of Category -> bar chart, category on x, mean number on y

Number as a function of Number -> scatter plot (y~x) or line plot (mean(y) ~ x)

Number as a function of Number + Category -> scatter plot or line plot with color varying by category.

Number as a function of Number + Number -> if it doesnt matter much: bubble chart. If it matters a lot, considering binning into categories.